About the toJS method in immutable.js

  1. question

    when I use the toJS method in immutable to turn an array of immutable objects into a normal array, an error occurs

    error message: TypeError: list.toJS is not a function

    the confusing thing is that when I went to yarn start for the first time, he would not make a mistake. He would have it later, and it would be good to restart the server, and then make changes and hot updates and then report an error QAQ

  2. list items

index Code

const newList = list.toJS();

reducer Code

const defaultState = fromJS({
  list: [1,2,3,4,5]

should be that you have changed list , and the changed list is not immutable data type. Take a look at the breakpoint

code from defaultState to list?

yarn start will be fine after I restart, which is very strange.

you should modify reducer by dispatch passing action . When you modify list , you should write state.set ("list", fromJS (action.data) , because the data passed by action will automatically become js objects instead of immutable objects, and need to be manually converted to immutable objects
