Is the field information of the xml, table that uses mysqldump available for PHP unit tests?

< H1 > DbUnit < / H1 >

after reading the document of PHPUnit to write the database test, we should first establish the base, mainly to write a setup function, which is my

protected function setUp() : void
    // mysql 
    $conn = $this->getConnection();
    // PDO 
    $pdo = $conn->getConnection();
    // set up tables
    $fixtureDataSet = $this->getDataSet();
    foreach ($fixtureDataSet->getTableNames() as $table) {
        // drop table
        $pdo->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table`;");
        // recreate table
        //Returns a table meta data object for the given table
        $meta = $fixtureDataSet->getTableMetaData($table);
        $create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$table` ";
        $cols = array();
        foreach ($meta->getColumns() as $col) {
            $cols[] = "`$col` VARCHAR(200)";
        $create .= "(".implode(",", $cols).");";

but in this case, the fields that create the table are all varchar, and I think the class getColumns of $meta returns an array of strings, and I don"t know where to get the field definition information?

this is the xml file from MySQLdump

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mysqldump xmlns:xsi="">
<database name="ucenter">
    <table_structure name="uc_assets_log">
        <field Field="id" Type="int(10) unsigned" Null="NO" Key="PRI" Extra="auto_increment" Comment="" />
        <field Field="uid" Type="int(10)" Null="NO" Key="MUL" Extra="" Comment="" />
        <field Field="type" Type="tinyint(1) unsigned" Null="NO" Key="" Default="1" Extra="" Comment="1:U 2:" />
        <field Field="number" Type="decimal(10,2)" Null="NO" Key="" Extra="" Comment="" />
        <field Field="charm" Type="float(10,2)" Null="NO" Key="" Default="0.00" Extra="" Comment="" />
        <field Field="dateline" Type="int(10)" Null="NO" Key="MUL" Extra="" Comment="" />
        <field Field="buid" Type="int(10)" Null="NO" Key="MUL" Default="0" Extra="" Comment="" />
        <field Field="pay" Type="decimal(10,2)" Null="NO" Key="" Default="0.00" Extra="" Comment="" />
    <table_data name="uc_assets_log">

I usually use YAML files as fixtures
