How to solve the problem that third-party plug-ins are affected by the use of rem layout on the mobile side?

the mobile side uses the rem layout globally, and the page uses a third-party plug-in, such as the date plug-in. The plug-in layout is messed up because of the change in the root font-siz. May I ask how to solve this problem?


The rem layout used by the

plug-in? If so, it is because the font-szie of the root element does not match, and the problem can be described in more detail.

< hr >

1. The root element of your own project is different from the contrast fontSize of the plug-in. If the unit used by the plug-in is px, it is easy to use px2rem loader directly in your project to convert the unit into rem; if the unit of the plug-in is rem, then write a SCSS method and convert it to PX.
