Springboot has questions about the content of an article.

original https://www.cnblogs.com/rensh.

when data is returned

I have tried my code for N times and all returned
"code": 1,
"msg": "this id must be passed",
"data": data

cannot be returned at all unless it is returned directly, but the code that looks at it does not directly return

"id": 21



this means that you do not understand the meaning of the original text, and his meaning is also returned after packaging, but skips code and message, and only posts data


Yes, there is a problem with the blog post, which should be returned to the package. This is the correct solution. The front and rear ends of Dachang will agree on a format, similar to the

"code": 1,
"msg": "id",

I haven't seen any

that returns data directly.