The newly installed Laravel, only outputs one sentence, so why does it take more than two seconds to return the result?

laravel takes more than two seconds to return the result with only one sentence output.

the local environment is installed with Docker for Mac. The php7, laravel version is 5.7


this is the result viewed with debugbar



mac's docker volumn contains the IO problem. Google for this problem, there are a bunch of solutions

the problem has been solved. Thank you. The answer of
@ to2false is correct. The problem lies in the volumn of Mac. The container on Mac will have a short delay in requesting the files of the host, while laravel will load hundreds of files even if it outputs only one sentence. As a result, the running time of laravel is very long, and sometimes it takes more than 5 seconds to return the result, which is simply unbearable.

the easiest way is to use caching by adding the : cached parameter after the-v parameter, for example:

docker run --name php71 -d -v /workspace:/workspace:cached php:7.1-fpm

cached parameter caches the host's files into the container, and the container uses the internal cache instead of the files on the host, so there will be no problems.

you can turn on route caching and configure caching and try again.
each request reloads the configuration file and routing configuration, which may be slow.

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