Some questions about React-Native!

has not done IOS development, is watching React-Native.
  • now initializes a project with react-native init, in which there is only one App.js, so there are doubts about the project directory structure
  • made a page with RN components NavigatorIOS and View, and found that the layout was as free as the H5 page! (in my impression, most of the Navigator parts of app are very unified and standardized, so it is difficult to imagine that this degree of freedom can be maintained. I guessed that, like WeApp, there is a Navigator and tabbar that are implemented through configuration.)
  • what are the main differences between RNApp and native App development?
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finally, I would like to ask if there is any React-Native App that I can refer to


  1. App.js is mainly used as the entry of the project. Usually, the src folder is added, and the business files are placed in this directory
  2. .
  3. RN pages are designed by ourselves, but usually we use those uniform specifications, as you remember, in line with everyone's common understanding and aesthetic (in addition, Navigator recommends using react-navigation components, compatible with IOS,android)
  4. RN I think the main difference is that it is written in JS and can be used on both IOS and Android. You don't have to write it separately or know much about the underlying layer. Almost all the functions you want to implement can be used by third-party components
  5. .

  1. Page layouts are designed by ourselves, and generally consider the user experience, setting the layout similar to that of other app
  2. Don't use Navigator, use react-navigation, is powerful and mature

several open source APP, are recommended as follows:
1, this APP comparison base
GSYGitHubApp this APP is relatively large, with a large amount of code
