Flot.js plug-in cooperates with flot.tooltip.js drawing node prompt

Flot.js plug-in cooperates with flot.tooltip.js drawing node to make prompt words. In the case of pop-up window, the prompt does not come up below the overlay. I know to add window.top to pull up the prompt, but I don"t know where to write ~

. < hr >
getFlotData: function () {
    var obj = {
        "waterTempAlarmId": currenPKId

    var flotSet = {
    grid: {
        hoverable: true,
        borderWidth: 1,
        borderColor: "-sharpccc"
    tooltip: {
        show: true,
        cssClass: "flot-tt",
        content: ":%x<br/>:%y ",
        defaultTheme: false
    xaxis: {
        // tickLength: 0,
        // show: true
        mode: "time",
        timeformat: "%h:%M:%S"
    yaxis: {
        autoscaleMargin: 0.06,
        position: "left"
    colors: ["-sharp62a8ea"]

app.getData.getTempData(obj, function (data) {
    var tempDataArr = [];
    data.forEach(function (item) {
        var d = new Date(item.alarmTime);
        var day = d.getHours();
        d = d.setHours(day+8);
        var arr = [d, item.waterTemp];

    var flot_data = {
        lines: {
            show: true,
            tension: 0.4,
            lineWidth: 2,
            fill: 0,
            lineColor: "-sharp62a8ea"
        points: {
            show: true,
            lineWidth: 1.5,
            radius: 3,
            symbol: "circle",
            fill: true,
            fillColor: "-sharp62a8ea"
        shadowSize: 0,
        data: tempDataArr

    // console.log(tempDataArr);   // 

    $.plot(trendModel.find("[id="waterTempFlot"]"), [flot_data], flotSet);

