Get data asynchronously and Synchronize

I would like to ask if there is any way to turn asynchronism into Synchronize, similar to ajax in jquery ; similar to this

function getData(){
    var dataList;
            dataList = data
    return dataList
var data = getData()

then I myself, because it is ws communication, is also asynchronous, so I would also like to ask if there is any way, like ajax , to directly return equals
. Here is my code

XDC.prototype.GetTGrpList = function (){
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        that.sendCallback(tGrpReq, "tGrpReq", function(data){
xdc.GetTGrpList().then(data => {

I tried to use promise, async, generator can only get data in this chain, not directly equal to getting data. I don"t know if there is any god who can help me solve it. Thank you very much!

I tried to use promise, async and generator to get data only in this chain

async/await can be obtained without chaining

XDC.prototype.GetTGrpList = async function (){
        return that.sendCallback(tGrpReq, 'tGrpReq', function(data){
            return data;
let response = await xdc.GetTGrpList();
// response