To borrow a project written by the iview-admin framework, at first it was a single page, but now the requirement relationship needs to be changed to a multi-page form.

problem description

borrow a project written by the iview-admin framework. At first, it was a single page, but now the reason for the demand needs to be changed to a multi-page form. The previous set of routes, which reported memory overflow errors, could not be debugged directly.

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

is now the version of vue-cli3.

related codes


have you solved it?

I have also encountered this problem now. I haven't had a clue for a long time, but there is one thing: it is normal if I do not add the pages option, and if I add the pages option, I will report an error, even if there is only one index in the pages option. I just want to be sure that pages must add some other operations to cause an error. I had no choice but to read vue cli official document , and found that there was a plug-in called preload-webpack-plugin



just delete it. I don't understand it, but it works normally.

chainWebpack: config => {
    Object.keys(pages).forEach(entryName => {