Angular-ui-router error setURL is not defined, redirect to home page

problem description

A project built by someone else"s angular1 uses angular-ui-router to create a route, and it is found that only $http.get requests are sent in Google browser in UAT and production environment. SetURL is not defined (occasional). This is the underlying error report of jQuery. This function is related to eval-related, globalEval ()


related codes

angular.module ("app")
.run (

[          "$rootScope", "$state", "$stateParams",
  function ($rootScope,   $state,   $stateParams) {
      $rootScope.$state = $state;
      $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;        

.config (["$stateProvider","$urlRouterProvider",

  function ($stateProvider,   $urlRouterProvider) { 
        .state("app.a", {
              url: "/a",
              template: "<div ui-view class="fade-in-right-big smooth"></div>"
          .state("app.a.a-1", {
              url: "/a-1",
              templateUrl: "tpl/a/a-1.html",
              resolve: {
                  deps: ["uiLoad",
                    function( uiLoad){
                      return uiLoad.load(["js/controllers/a/a-1.js",

I met it, too. Did you solve it at last? It feels like jquery and angular conflict

Hello. I would like to ask whether this problem has been solved. I also have this problem on my side. I have no way to start

excuse me, have the problem been solved
