Package the application as exe using pycharm on mac

  1. does it matter if the operating system is different when pyinstaller is packaged?
  2. the same program, on the pycharm installed by windows, I use
    pyinstaller-I xxx.ico xxx dependent package path

    to package the correct folder with the target exe file, which I can use. You can"t use the same command on the pycharm installed by mac, and you can"t even find the exe file.

  3. does anyone understand the above question? Ask for advice.

An exe file that supports windows cannot be generated on

has a version (1.4) that supports compiling windows possible executable files on Linux with the help of wine. But it will no longer be supported after 1.5.
the current version of the document says:

Note: the output of
PyInstaller is limited by the current operating system and the current version of Python. This means preparing distribution for the following:

  • different operating systems
  • different versions of Python
  • 32-bit or 64-bit operating system

you run PyInstaller on the corresponding operating system and the corresponding version of Python. The Python interpreter that executes PyInstaller is part of bundle and is limited by OS and byte size.


Executables on

Mac do not have an exe extension and may be packaged into a directory with a .app extension.
