How to play RTSP streaming video in a web page

now you need to play the video on the web page in rtsp format. Is there a good plug-in to play this video stream?


  1. now uses the plug-in kurento to play, but the effect is not very good.
  2. has a plug-in for vlc that can be played, but requires an earlier version of Google browser (below version 41)
  3. also has a plug-in for vgx, which can be used in higher versions of Google browser, but with watermarks.
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ask the boss for help

try this

it's too bad to use plug-ins. Plug-ins, something of the ie6 era, should have been abandoned a long time ago.

older browsers can consider using flash, to have a domestic ckplayer.
the new version of the browser recommends using hls streams.

Appemit supports the latest version of chrome edge and other browsers using VLC to play rtsp rtmp

there are four main ways.
1 uses the webkit kernel to support the direct use of the original js code of VLC. There is almost no delay
2 using API playback of vlc's libvlc, supporting multiple opening, almost no delay
3 transcoding to ogg using vlc, browser video tag direct playback, delay of about 1 second
4 rtsp conversion to WebRTC playback, browser direct playback, delay 800ms

at present, the most mature VLC playback program should be ape master middleware. The principle is with the help of ape master embedded web page playback patent technology, the underlying call VLC ActiveX control can be embedded in the web page to play multi-channel RTSP real-time video stream, no need to build transcoding server, support multiple simultaneous playback, support H.264 or H.265 format, can achieve low latency (300ms), compatible with the old and latest versions of mainstream browsers. The following is a comparison of the delay effect between the VLC playback program of Ape Master Middleware and the official website of Haikangwei TV:

ideo/BV1A34y1m7Hj/?aid=806108837&cid=424410448&page=1" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">
