Angular ng-alain delon class library, curd component, modal receive values

as mentioned above, in the ng-alain template, use the delon class library to create a curd component. In the curd component, click the edit button to pass the value to the edit sub-component. Excuse me, how should this parameter pass through?
main component code snippet:

columns: STColumn[] = [
    { title: "", index: "no" },
    { title: "", type: "number", index: "callNo" },
    { title: "", type: "img", width: "50px", index: "avatar" },
    { title: "", type: "date", index: "updatedAt" },
    title: "",
    buttons: [
        text: "",
        type: "modal",
        modal: {
        component: TestCurdEditComponent,
        params: (record: any) => (record = record),

modal component code snippet:

record: any = {};
i: any;

private modal: NzModalRef,
private msgSrv: NzMessageService,
public http: _HttpClient,
) {}

ngOnInit(): void {
console.log(this.record);****//this.record = null, recordrecord****
if ( > 0)
this.http.get(/user/${}).subscribe(res => (this.i = res));

beginners to learn angular, please help to see how sub-components can get the value of record. Thank you.

The parameter

paramName is not written.
