Do you need to write "memo information" twice after svn merge commit?

SVN project directory

-| trunk-sharp backbone

-| branches-sharp branch

-| login-model-sharp login module

the operation flow login module completes the development and basic testing, then submits it and merges it into trunk.

two codes are stored locally

stable version local folder trunk-a1 repository path: svn://123.xxxx.xxxx/rep/trunk

Branch version local folder branches-a1 repository path: svn://123.xxxx.xxxx/rep/branches/login-model

every time my operation needs to be like this

cd branches-a1

svn up

svn add

svn ci-m "login module OK"

after the above branches are submitted, merge them into trunk

cd trunk-a1

svn up

svn merge svn://123.xxxx.xxxx/rep/branches/login-model

svn ci-m "login module OK"

then commit writes comments twice every time such a merge is made. Is it the same with everyone? is there a simple way.
