In the personalized recommendation system, what kind of w2v method can make the calculated userid and itemid calculate the similarity directly?

topic description

for example, there are often a large number of userid and itemid, in recommendation systems that seem to directly calculate the vector, of itemid, such as the calculation in gensim, or bow or skipgram, in neural networks, but their id is a type of id.
or, for example, the method used by youtube, the vector of userid and itemid is directly spliced, and then trained directly with multi-layer dnn, but the trained userid and itemie cannot directly calculate the similarity.

so is there a way to directly train the similarity between userid and itemid and calculate the similarity?

I can't help it. Because whether it is W2V or dnn, your embedding vector is the weight matrix of the first layer. The onehot vectors entered are just embedded vectors that select an ID. So there is no way to throw away the model and calculate it directly with onehot.
