Weex introduces vuex to report error

problem: weex introduced vuex and got stuck on this

2018-12-11 14:59:54.696233+0800 XYT[13100:4041493] <Weex>[log]WXJSCoreBridge.m:145, jsLog: 111
2018-12-11 14:59:54.699016+0800 XYT[13100:4041493] <Weex>[log]WXJSCoreBridge.m:145, jsLog: store.state.count:  1
2018-12-11 14:59:54.707954+0800 XYT[13100:4041493] <Weex>[error]WXMonitor.m:221, [native-bundle-main.js:1:29760] TypeError: JSON.stringify cannot serialize cyclic structures.
stringify@[native code]


 ~ weex -v
 - weexpack : v1.2.7
 - weex-builder : v0.4.0
 - weex-previewer : v1.5.1

implement logic:
premise: do not use vue-loader
modify webpack.common.conf.js

const relativeStorePath = path.join(relativeVuePath, "../store/index.js")
if (relativeVuePath.indexOf("index") > -1) {
    contents += `import App from "${relativeVuePath}"
import store from "${relativeStorePath}"

new Vue(Vue.util.extend({el: "-sharproot", store}, App));

the result obtained is that the .temp file is generated under the weex project as follows

import App from "../src/index.vue"
import store from "../src/store/index.js"

new Vue(Vue.util.extend({el: "-sharproot", store}, App));

store file:

import Vuex from "vuex"

// Vuex is auto installed on the web
if (WXEnvironment.platform !== "Web") {

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    count: 0
  mutations: {
    increment (state) {

console.log("store.state.count: ", store.state.count) // -> 1
export default store
The reason for the problem of

is that my created in index.vue uses console.log (this) , so it's fine to remove it.
referencing vuex requires the use of import {mapState, mapMutations,mapGetters,mapActions} from 'vuex' direct point this will have the same problem in data.
so there is a risk in using this for .vue files in weex. Please note
