Why do you use less instead of scss??

the cause of the problem

recently, when you set up a npm private server, it was no problem to download the project dependency package locally, but you will fail to install node-sass on the server. Although cnpm can be used to solve the problem, private server packages have to be installed with the npm command, so they are in trouble.


consider using less instead of scss. Remove the dependency on the node-sass package.

questions raised

  1. does everyone use scss or less??
  2. Why use scss/less?

I also hope that everyone will not begrudge teaching


use scss, first because scss is more powerful than less, and scss, which is commonly used in less, has all the functions that are commonly used in less, and vice versa. For example, scss can customize functions but less can't:


I use less, mainly with its hierarchical nesting syntax, using standard syntax as much as possible. Now the standard css already supports variables. If there is a need, you can use the build tool to convert it, so it won't be too intrusive to the code
