When vue-awesome-swiper turns the page, the animation does not execute

when vue-awesome-swiper, turns the page, the animation written in the page does not execute

search from the Internet, people say that it is OK to add onInit and onSlideChangeEnd , but it is not useful for me to add it.
also says that adding observer:true; has no effect.

related codes

 <swiper :options="swiperOption">
    <swiperSlide class="slide slide1">
      <div class="slide1-word1 animated vanishIn"></div>
      <div class="slide1-word2 animated pulse loop"></div>
      <div class="slide1-title animated pulse loop"></div>
      <div class="slide1-pic animated zoomIn"></div>
    <swiperSlide class="slide slide2">
      <div class="slide2-title animated slideInDown"></div>
      <div class="slide2-word1 animated ball"></div>
      <div class="slide2-picts"></div>
      <div class="slide2-start animated slowFlash"></div>
      <div class="slide2-jt animated topGuide loop"></div>

   swiperOption: {
     direction: "vertical",
    slidesPerView: 1,
    observer: true,
    observeParents: true,
    onInit: function(swiper) {
    onSlideChangeEnd: function(swiper) {



to reassign

swiperAnimate this method, your code will directly report an error, because you do not have this function.
