When strict mode is enabled in mobx, an error is reported in the modified value in action, which is blocked.

A simple store, login, logout, and access to users in the current session

class UserStore {

    detail = {};



    doLogin = (data) => {
        const _this = this;
        return axios.post("/login", data).then(resp => {
            if(resp.success && resp.data) {
                _this.detail = resp.data;
                _this.userInfoId = resp.data.userInfoId;
                _this.nickName = resp.data.nickName;
            return resp;

    doLogout = () => {
        const _this = this;
        return axios.post("/logout").then(resp => {
            if(resp.success) {
                _this.detail = {};
                _this.userInfoId = "";
                _this.nickName = "";
            return resp;

    doFetch = () => {
        const _this = this;
        return axios.get("/user-info/current").then(resp => {
            if(resp.success && resp.data) {
                _this.detail = resp.data;
                _this.userInfoId = resp.data.userInfoId;
                _this.nickName = resp.data.nickName;
            return resp;

after configuring configure ({enforceActions: "observed"}) ,
login and logout will report an error, which is prevented from updating

mobx.module.js?daf9:98 Uncaught (in promise) Error: [mobx] Since strict-mode is enabled, changing observed observable values outside actions is not allowed. Please wrap the code in an `action` if this change is intended. Tried to modify: UserStore@3.userInfoId
    at invariant$$1 (mobx.module.js?daf9:98)
    at fail$$1 (mobx.module.js?daf9:93)
    at checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed$$1 (mobx.module.js?daf9:1075)
    at ObservableValue$$1.prepareNewValue (mobx.module.js?daf9:686)
    at ObservableObjectAdministration$$1.write (mobx.module.js?daf9:3509)
    at UserStore.set [as userInfoId] (mobx.module.js?daf9:3732)
    at eval (UserStore.jsx?3e72:105)

then try to take each field out:

    updateUserInfoId(userInfoId) {
        this.userInfoId = userInfoId;

    updateDetail(detail) {
        this.detail = detail;

    updateNickName(nickName) {
        this.nickName = nickName;

    doLogin = (data) => {
        const _this = this;
        return axios.post("/login", data).then(resp => {
            if(resp.success && resp.data) {
                //_this.detail = resp.data;
                //_this.userInfoId = resp.data.userInfoId;
                //_this.nickName = resp.data.nickName;
            return resp;

you can update successfully this time.

I don"t quite understand what"s wrong with updating directly in doLogin. The strange thing about
is that the doFetch method can be updated successfully.


try to operate in runInAction. For more information, please see
