Vue, I pass a number, and I receive string?.

write a component by yourself, which is passed to the subcomponent as number, but the result subcomponent receives stringtype


parent component:

<cmsProgress num=40></cmsProgress>


<el-progress :text-inside="true" :stroke-width="20" :percentage="num" color="red"></el-progress>

export default {
    data () {
        return {
        console.log(typeof(this.num));  //string

what is the reason for this?

this is why the HTML tag attribute value itself is the string . For more detailed interpretation, please refer to Portal



so the code should be changed to the following:

<cmsProgress :num="40"></cmsProgress>

to get Number , follow @ Wenbo mentioned : num= "40" so

it's not really the vue problem, but any attributes in the html element itself will be parsed to string (even if you're not using vue ).
