After the golang array is converted to characters, how to reverse the array or map

[{"id": "114194", "bt": "title 1", "fbsj": "2018-11-12",},
{"id": "114256", "bt": "title 1", "fbsj": "2018-11-16",}]
how to convert this data to an array or map
Thank you!


make your own parser. You can refer to the parsing of the json package to do

is it difficult to define the data structure and unmarshal it?

take a look at this package. You don't have to define the structure, it's easy to use

const data = `
{ "id": "114194", "bt": "1", "fbsj": "2018/11/12" },
{ "id": "114256", "bt": "1", "fbsj": "2018/11/16" }

type Question struct {
    Id, Bt, Fbsj string

    var q []Question
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &q)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%-sharpv", q)