Implicit Parametric questions in Vuex documents



The value 2 passed in during the

call will not be passed into the state parameter? But directly to the id?

how to implicitly pass in state? The expression of learning C is not quite understood. No, no, no.



returns the function you defined

function(id) {}

the parameter id is passed to your function in the call

console.log (store.getters.getTodoById) , you can see why the value passed in is id

what you see is not necessarily the same code as what is actually executed. For example:

config = {
    getVal (state, getters) {
        return (params) => {console.log(state, params)}
        // stateparams
function init (config) {
    let state = xx
    let getters = xxx
    config.getVal =, state, getters)
    return config

now I've shielded the details of the init function and encapsulated it in a library called vuex.
after init processing, you can use config.getVal (params), directly without passing state.
