Can the collapse panel in elementUI give the binding event corresponding to each el-collapse-item?

can the collapse panel in elementUI give the binding event corresponding to each el-collapse-item? I want to get some properties corresponding to item when it is expanded

< el-collapse
style= "width: 400px

v-for="(apply,index) in applyMessageList"
    <template slot="title">
        <div @click="messageCollapseChangeEvent(apply)">//el-collapse-item
            <span class="tip tipNormal"></span>
            <span class="tit isNormal"></span>
            <span class="time isNormal">{{apply.created_at}}</span>
        <divtyle="padding: 0px 35px 0 22px">cbcvbcc"b"c"v"b"c</div>

< / el-collapse >



if you write like that, you should be able to get the corresponding data.
what is the print apply?
I can print out the corresponding list data here

<el-collapse style="width: 400px;border-bottom: 0">
    <el-collapse-item v-for="(apply,index) in applyMessageList" :key="index">
        <template slot="title">
            <div @click="messageCollapseChangeEvent(apply)">
                <span class="tip tipNormal"></span>
                <span class="tit isNormal"></span>
                <span class="time isNormal">{{apply.created_at}}</span>
            <div style="padding: 0px 35px 0 22px">cbcvbcc'b'c'v'b'c</div>