Mongodb4.0 transaction WriteConflict write conflict problem


  1. use three sets of mongo4.0 replica sets
  2. enable data modification and commit using transactions
  3. concurrent modifications to the same document exist

Code Logic

  1. Open the first transaction trans1 = mongSession1.startTransaction ()
  2. trans1.update ({aVera}, {"$inc": {"num": 1}})
  3. Open the second transaction trans2 = mongSession2.startTransaction ()
  4. trans2.update ({aVera}, {"$inc": {"num": 1}}), when a WriteConflict write conflict occurs

if the sess1 is commit or abort after 1 br 2, there will be no problem
because it is a concurrent modification operation, the one who creates the transaction first must end first
how to solve this problem. Does
have anything to do with readConcern and writeConcern? I can"t set all kinds of settings. I"ve tried it all.


ask for the answer, has the landlord solved it?

Hello, have you solved the problem

@ panshir @ mmfly01 @ dtboy1995 have you solved your problem?

I find that there does seem to be this problem, and if your update is not a field, will there be write conflicts? For example,
trans1 = mongSession1.startTransaction ()
trans1.update ({trans1.update a}, {"$inc": {"num": 1}})
trans2 = mongSession2.startTransaction ()
trans2.update ({aVera}, {"$inc": {"NAME_222": "DDD"}}),
have you tried this


you can take a look at this:
