The backend uses .net, and the front end uses Vue-cli to develop a CMS SPA front-end separation application.

the company develops a new CRM system, and the front end uses Vue-cli plus elementUI, back-end. Net. At present, it is uncertain whether the back-end can develop RestFul api, but what is certain is that the front-end page of a single-page application will not be nested in the back-end project. It is currently stuck here, so I would like to ask you whether .net can only develop interfaces that return json objects, instead of having to embed the front-end page into the back-end project. At present, we are hesitant to continue with this project. Please answer your questions


so I'd like to ask you whether .net can only develop interfaces that return json objects, instead of having to embed front-end pages into back-end projects.

of course. web api find out
