The actionsheet component that uses the antd-mobile component in react, it is not valid to click in iphone8s.

fixed the compatible code of click-through problem in ios

// fix touch to scroll background page on iOS
const isIPhone = new RegExp("\\biPhone\\b|\\biPod\\b", "i").test(window.navigator.userAgent);
let wrapProps;
if (isIPhone) {
  wrapProps = {
    onTouchStart: e => e.preventDefault(),

acitonSheet component click event

  showActionSheet = () => {
    const BUTTONS = ["Operation1", "Operation2", "Operation2", "Delete", "Cancel"];
      options: BUTTONS,
      cancelButtonIndex: BUTTONS.length - 1,
      destructiveButtonIndex: BUTTONS.length - 2,
      message: "I am description, description, description",
      maskClosable: true,
    (buttonIndex) => {
      this.setState({ clicked: BUTTONS[buttonIndex] });

Click to pop up the actions panel component, but clicking on the button inside does not take effect. Everything else is normal

I have also encountered this problem. It is inconvenient for the landlord to say how it was solved in the end. Thank you

you should be missing a fastclick reference.
