How does php write api for others to use?

I now need to write an api
is a specific account where other people can upload videos to my server
, but I don"t know how to start? The concept of
is that
the counterpart can send the film to me through enctype= "multipart/form-data"
I will send URL back to the counterparty via json


I already have an upload mechanism


  1. first sort out the requirements, others upload to your server, only upload documents? Do you need additional information?
  2. secondly, you need to design the interface: do you need a unified directory? For example, how to implement this requirement through URL Rewrite if URL can be,; whether the communication method is GET or POST (but you obviously need to use POST); to handle additional messages sent by users; correct / error messages returned by users after calling the API, etc.)
  3. all of the above are solved one by one, and then sorted out into interface documents.
  4. online joint tuning of the function.

Is the domain name of

api the same as the domain name of api caller ? If it is inconsistent, consider the cross-domain issue.

suppose the domain name of api is, and the domain name of the caller is

I defined a api as follows:

// api
//  cors 
header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');

class UploadFile {
    public function upload(){
        //  ...

call and then add the required parameters.

< hr >

caller js :

var apiUrl = '';
var formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('file' , file);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'post' , apiUrl , true);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){