How to make the parent node bind onmousedown without affecting the drag event of the descendant node

now there is such a requirement as follows: blue box pop-up window binds the onmousedown (pc) / ontouchstart event through the vue custom instruction to achieve free drag and drop.


there is another slider module in the descendant node that can be dragged, but the influence of the onmousedown-onmousemove method of the parent node in front of the goose results in the slider in the red box below cannot be dragged

<div class="dialog-box" v-selfDrag=""v-slider__thumb-label primary"">


bind (el, binding, vnode) {
    el.onmousedown = (ev) => {
      if (! || === binding.value) return
      let disX = ev.clientX - el.offsetLeft
      let disY = ev.clientY - el.offsetTop
      document.onmousemove = (ev) => {
        let l = ev.clientX - disX
        let t = ev.clientY - disY = l + "px" = t + "px"
      document.onmouseup = () => {
        document.onmousemove = null
        document.onmouseup = null

grudging solution (previous code):
(1) identify nodes that do not need to be dragged in advance className;
(2) Mouse binds the node of onmousedown, and binds its target.className whether it is className


this is a very stupid method. Is there a more efficient way?

js bubbling, you can forbid it. event.stopPropagation ();

differences among the three ways JS prevents events from bubbling

if you use vue, you can also directly use the event modifier self.
if you implement it yourself, determine whether is equal to the parent element.
