The strange problem of angular ng-for

there is a code that looks like this

menu.preiods.key in click event I directly use preiod instead of menu.preiods, preiod.key, which is feasible

but in the
paragraph of menu.precursors [I] .key of, if preiod is used instead of menu.preiods, preconditions [I] .key, an error will be reported


Why is this?

      <ng-container *ngFor="let preiod of menu.preiods; let i = index">
        <li (click)="sport.update_preiod(menu.preiods.key);" []="selected.preiod == menu.preiods[i].key">{{text[preiod.textId]}}</li>

preiod is an element in menu.periods. You can use period.key instead of menu.preforms.key
