On the Learning problems of various pre / Post processors in css

recently learned in front-end learning that css originally has a variety of pre / post processors

such as SASS, SCSS, LESS, PostCSS, CSS Modules, Stylus, etc.

it feels more or less the same, but it is really dazzling

in order to avoid detours, I would like to ask the front-end gods, which one is most often used in your work environment or project? Thank you!


sass is used more often. In fact, the principle of css pretreatment is the same, you can first master one, if you want to change the other will soon start.
PS:CSS Modules is just a CSS modularization scheme.
SASS: https://www.sass.hk/
sass is used in conjunction with CSS Modules: https://codeshelper.com/a/11.

more less is used. Now the project mainly uses Alibaba antd, antd using less by default
