How to modify the Highstock x-axis body?

here I want to show 7-day and 30-day data. There are some problems:

1. Reference: highstock.js, image shows English
2. I want to customize the display of the X axis, but I can"t modify it. Can the x-axis body only show time? How do I change it?

$(function () {
    // create the chart
    Highcharts.stockChart("containers", {
            enabled: false
        xAxis: {
        categories: ["test"]   //X
        chart: {
            alignTicks: false
        rangeSelector: {
            buttons: [{
                type: "day",
                count: 7,
                text: "7"
            }, {
                type: "day",
                count: 30,
                text: "30"
            selected: 1
        scrollbar : {
            enabled : false
        navigator : {
            enabled : false
        title: {
            text: "AAPL Stock Volume"
        series: [{
            type: "column",
            name: "AAPL Stock Volume",
            data: [11111,22222,33333],

updated the example, take a look at

< H2 > description < / H2 >

first of all, this data should be a two-dimensional array, in which the first bit of the array is time, and the second bit is the value of the y-axis

