When installing with VUE-CLI 3.0, if checked to use Sass, the installation fails.

the project was built successfully using Vue-cli 3.0 without using SASS. However, in the case of using SASS, the node-sass may not be installed because it is walled. The question is how do build tools like Vue-cli use Taobao images when installing npm packages?


problem solved!

npm config set sass_binary_site https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass/
npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org

in this way, one more click to install vue-cli3 will not report an error! To solve the problem, in the final analysis, you have to search the Internet on your own.

domestic excellent npm images are recommended and
node failed to install node-sass. Configure Taobaoyuan

are you sure you failed to download? I think your compilation is more likely to fail.
for front-end development, it's better to abandon windows as soon as possible. You can package it with a Linux virtual machine under windows. There are strange mistakes in packaging under windows, which seems to be due to the difference between windows's symbolic link and Linux.

ruby is required to use sass.
