The picture cannot be saved when the ios12.1 safari browser opens a picture with a QR code and the content of the QR code is a number similar to a phone.

when an ios12.1 safari browser opens a picture with a QR code and the content of the QR code is a phone-like number, you cannot save the picture, such as 123456789
long press to pop up menu and click Save Picture to view the picture gallery. The picture has not been saved


I set
< meta name= "format-detection" content= "telephone=no" / >
on the page does not work, but still recognize the picture in the QR code. If you press the picture 3dtouch function, you will see the word "phone QR code" on the picture

A function I am developing now needs to save a picture with a QR code. It is stuck by this. I don"t know if it is the bug. of ios.

the content of the following picture is 123456789. You can try


Press and pull up using the 3dTouch function, you can also pop up the same menu as the long press. When you click Save Image, you can save it correctly


if you add" http://"to the QR code, that is, a URL can be saved

A similar question was found on stackoverflow but there is no answer


I also encountered it today. I wrapped an empty link a tag on the outside of the picture to solve the problem. I hope it can help the people who have the same problem to find this place.

<a href="javascript:;">
    <img src="wxqrcode"/>