Reference better-scroll in typescript

better-scroll is referenced in

typescript , the code is as follows

import * as BScroll from "better-scroll"
new BScroll(".wrapper")

console output

{default: , __esModule: true}
> default: BScroll(el, options)
> __proto__:Object

> Uncaught TypeError: BScroll is not a constructor

check the author package.json types declare no problem

  "types": "./types/index.d.ts",

check the author * .d.ts No problem

declare const BScroll: BScrollStatic;

declare module "better-scroll" {
  export = BScroll;

ask for help, what"s wrong with me here?

The problem with

is that the sentence new BScroll ('.wrapper') , the
error is obvious, BScroll is not a constructor function, so you can't use the new operator.
you should be able to use this directly BScroll ('.wrapper') .

import * as BScroll from 'better-scroll'
new BScroll.BScroll();
import  BScroll from 'better-scroll'
new BScroll();

have you solved your problem? I have the same problem!

it should be the wrong way to pack. The package you may choose is cmd . Change it to iife or umd try
that's how I use it

 import * as BScroll from 'better-scroll'

 const styleScroll = new (<any>BScroll)(styleContainer)

@ types/better-scroll doesn't seem to be written by the author, so there seems to be a problem
