Thinkphp cannot read the cache. Runtime must be deleted to be normal.

A normal branch of a project has been in a normal branch for 2 years, but there has been a sudden error in these two days. The
test found that thinkphp could not read the cache, and runtime must be deleted to be normal.
I even restarted the server, but it didn"t work out. The
code is as follows, please take a look at it.

        $code = I("get.nt");
        $key = C("authcodekey");
        $id = a_decode($code,$key);
        // var_dump($code); die(); 
        if ((null == $code)||("" == $code)){
            // redirect("/home.html"); 

        if(!S($code)){ //
            // redirect("/Home/Error/index/error/"."");
            //20181211 test begin
            echo "string1111111111<br>";
            var_dump($code); //
            var_dump($id); //
            echo "result_code-->".$result["code"]."<br>";  //
            //20181211 test end            

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

runtime must be deleted to be normal.
I even restarted the server, but it didn"t work out.

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


A possibility that your disk space is full and the runtime directory can no longer be written to
