React-router v4 routing configuration

use react to build a shopping webAPP, route similar to Taobao using react-router4, the page jump logic is as follows:
1, enter the supermarket list page by default, select the supermarket, click on the supermarket to jump to the APP page
2, the APP page includes four bottom navigation: home page, category, shopping cart and mine, load my
3 by default, jump to the product details page from the four bottom navigation modules, issue the order page, my order page, and so on.

the index.js code is as follows

            <Route path="/" exact component={Supermarket} />
            <Route path="/app/:mID" component={App} />
            <Route path="/goodsDetail/:gID" component={GoodsDetail} />
            <Route path="/search/:mID" component={Search} />
            <Route path="/confirmOrder/:dataId" component={ConfirmOrder} />
            <Route path="/payment" component={Payment} />
            <Route path="/orderDetail" component={OrderDetail} />
            <Route path="/orderList" component={OrderList} />
            <Route path="/myFootprint" component={MyFootprint} />
            <Route path="/myFavorite" component={MyFavorite} />
            <Route path="/helpCenter" component={HelpCenter} />

the app.js code is as follows:

            <div className="container app">
                <div className="content-hasfoot">
                    <Route path="/app/goodsList/:mID" exact component={GoodsList} />
                    <Route path="/app/classification/:mID" exact component={Classification} />
                    <Route path="/app/shoppingCar" exact component={ShoppingCar} />
                    <Route path="/app/main" exact component={Mine} />
                {/*  */}
                <div className="foot" flex="box:mean">
                    <NavLink to={`/app/goodsList/${this.state.marketInfoId}`} activeClassName={"foot-this"}>
                        <div className="foot-div" flex="dir:top main:center cross:center">
                            <span className="foot-icon iconfont icon-shouyeweidianjizhuangtai"></span>
                            <span className="foot-text"></span>

                    <NavLink to={`/app/classification/${this.state.marketInfoId}`} activeClassName={"foot-this"}>
                        <div className="foot-div" flex="dir:top main:center cross:center">
                            <span className="foot-icon iconfont icon-fenleiweidianjizhuangtai"></span>
                            <span className="foot-text"></span>

                    <NavLink to="/app/shoppingCar" activeClassName={"foot-this"}>
                        <div className="foot-div" flex="dir:top main:center cross:center">
                            <span className="foot-icon iconfont icon-gouwucheweidianjizhuangtai"></span>
                            <span className="foot-text"></span>

                    <NavLink to="/app/main" activeClassName={"foot-this"}>
                        <div className="foot-div" flex="dir:top main:center cross:center">
                            <span className="foot-icon iconfont icon-wodeweidianjizhuangtai"></span>
                            <span className="foot-text"></span>

the problem encountered is: how should I jump to / app, or / app/goodList, after selecting a supermarket on the Supermarket page?
how do I load the home page by default if I jump to / app,?
if I jump to / app/goodList, how can I send the supermarket id to / app, and set the bottom navigation to be selected?


shouldn't your / app/goodList, be / app/:mId/goodList? In this way, the first problem is solved, and the second problem is judged according to the current route
