How to get image objects from Picture File Stream by cv2

I need to do some image processing recently. When I get the picture stream after a series of protocol parsing and decoding, the next step is to use cv2 to process the picture. First, I need to get the picture object of cv2.
import cv2
img = cv2.imread ("test.jpg")
so you can get the img object directly.
but I want to convert directly in memory. I don"t want to write to the file and read it in cv2, so I can skip the step of image caching.
with the help of the great gods, I have been tinkering with it for a long time. How can it be realized?
such as
fc= open ("test.jpg", "rb"). Read ()
) when fc is the file stream of the image, which is the same as the file stream I processed.
so how do I read it in cv2 now?
cv2.imread (fc) is definitely wrong.


the first floor is very serious, and there is nothing wrong with the logic, but it is a pity that the answer is not the question.

fc= open("test.jpg","rb").read() 

fileNPArray = np.fromstring(fc, np.uint8)

img = cv2.imdecode(fileNPArray ,cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

-sharpimg cv2.imread() 

python3 cv2

>>> import cv -sharp cv2
>>> url=''
>>> def get_net_img(url):
    img = None
    if cap.isOpened():
    return img

>>> img = get_net_img(url)
>>> cv.imshow('photo', img)

method 2

-sharp 2
import cv
import requests as req
import numpy as np

url2 = r''
rsp = req.get(url2)
cont = rsp.content
buf = np.asarray(bytearray(cont), dtype="uint8") -sharp numpy
img = cv.imdecode(buf, cv.IMREAD_COLOR) -sharp 
cv.imshow('pic', img) -sharp 