Can java backend springboot set the timeout for each ajax request?

except for the foreground, the ajax timeout can be set

can the background server also set the timeout for each ajax request? Not the timeout of the session session,

the 5-minute timeout set by my front desk, but the browser automatically displays the timeout in 2 minutes. What"s the problem? I don"t have it in the background either.

my problem has been solved. It is the timeout of webpack's proxy default setting. Just modify the default timeout.

the following key points:

timeout: 1920000,
detailed configuration:

proxyTable: {

  '/mock': {
    target: '',
    changeOrigin: true,
    pathRewrite: {
      '^/mock': '/'
  '/': {
    target: '',
    changeOrigin: true,
    pathRewrite: {
      '^/api': ''   //rewrite,
    timeout: 1920000,

after searching for a long time, I found this similar problem on stackoverflow,

I felt that this might be the reason, and then I created a new project on this machine that did not use proxy and found that there was no 2-minute limit, so it was very likely that the webpack agent set the timeout. I looked around from the webpack official website and did not find the corresponding api

I set a timeout of 5 minutes at the front end,

No timeout is set for the backend springboot;

however, two minutes after the request is made, the browser prompts for a timeout;

where are these two minutes set? The default configuration of the browser or the default configuration of the backend
