Recommend mobile rich text editor

recommend a mobile rich text editor

tried ueditor, is too ugly, hope to have a style to look better, upload pictures (demo uploaded to Qiniu is the best) and basic emoji function.

in addition, I would also like to ask, how do you use lightbox pop-up layer pictures to browse?
for example, after uploading pictures with ueditor, the html structure is

<img src="">

but I have seen several lightbox plug-ins for jquery, all of which require the html structure to be

<a href="" class=""><img src=""></a>

when this situation is stored in the database, replace the modification with regular matching or how to set it directly, which can directly correspond to the generated structure after uploading the image?


I myself use this editor: wangEditor
before the project is also required to upload to Qiniu to do static, their own slightly encapsulated Qiniu JS JDK can be used, the document is quite clear.

if the image is loaded dynamically, just use the front-end framework template to do it. The page structure has nothing to do with the data stored in the database. After it is passed to Qiniu, there is a callback that can dynamically modify the page data. As long as the structure is written, the data will be dynamically bound to the template. This step is used to replace the structure generated by jq operation DOM, and the performance will be better.

xw.jpg Test
