Does js have a way to delete an attribute in an object without changing the original object?

problem description

case: there is a Form form in which the data is an obj object. When the attribute a satisfies the condition 1, it needs to be deleted. Is there any way not to affect whether the obj object still contains a attributes.

let obj = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3

obj.a == 1 && delete obj.a;


be solved by deconstruction and other methods?

< hr >

-first update-
Let me explain why I did this.
because I need to ensure the integrity of this field in state (react). Because page components need to render their values. The value of axi1 does not need to be removed when I pass it, but the original object cannot be directly removed. There are too many attributes to deconstruct directly ~

< hr >

-second update-
is there a way to deconstruct? Before, I wanted to change the value by changing the practice of the object, the risk is too great. Now I want to deal with it directly in the place where the parameters are passed. Because the parameters are not fixed, it is not possible to directly deconstruct
submit: submit (Object.assign ({}, bjournal c);)


let {a,...obj} = {a:1,b:2,c:3};
obj//{b: 2, c: 3}

let {aMagne.obj} = {aVera 1answer 2 < hr class=

let {aqin .b} = obj;
if (astat1) {
obj = b

obj.a = = 1 & & obj.a = undefined;

what does it mean to delete an attribute and include an attribute?

deeply copy a new object and do processing on the new object, so that the original object is not affected, and the data passed to the background is guaranteed to be OK


this question is a little unclear, what is both deleted and unchanged.
asks whether deep clone , obj0 clone obj1,obj0 removes the attribute, obj1 remains the same.
or sets a property of the object to non-enumerable . The data exists and can be manipulated, but will not be traversed.

Deep cloning

// var obj0 = { a:1, b:'2', c:[true,null,{cc:'cc'}], d:function(){ console.log("run") } }
// var newObj = objClone(obj0);
// console.log(newObj);

// initalObj,
// finalObj,
// attrsobj,
// filterFlagtrueattrs,falseattrs
function objClone(initalObj, finalObj, attrs, filterFlag){
  var o = finalObj ? objClone(finalObj) : initalObj instanceof Array ? [] : {};
  if(initalObj && typeof initalObj == 'object' && initalObj.constructor !== Object) {
    o.__proto__ = initalObj.__proto__
  for(var k in initalObj) {
    if(attrs && !!filterFlag == (attrs.indexOf(k) == -1)){
    o[k] = (initalObj[k] && typeof(initalObj[k]) === 'object') ? objClone(initalObj[k]) : initalObj[k];
  return o;

1. Maintain an array or object to store what needs to be displayed

let obj = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3

let arr = ['b','c']

2. Give it directly to the object

let obj = {
  a: {value: 1,show:false},
  b: {value: 2,show:true},
  c: {value: 3,show:true}

lazy method JSON.stringify then JSON.parse and then delete the attribute.

JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({a:1,b:2,c:3}, ['a', 'b']))  // {a: 1, b: 2}