Can vue-ssr data not be saved in window.__INITIAL_STATE__?

  1. as the title, seo asks that the rendered page be clean. The result of the current vue-ssr is that the data is saved in the < script > window.__INITIAL_STATE__= [data] < / script > of the page. Is there a way to put these data in the json file , and then the page refers to the data in the json file . Of course, there are not only json files this solution, but also other solutions
  2. .
  3. there is also < style data-vue-ssr-id= "xxx" > style < / style > whether the style here can be extracted into a css file. Seo said that viewing the source page looks messy and neat.

Thank you in advance. I was so annoyed by seo.


this seo quit

I use react server rendering. Encounter the same problem, SEO optimization. Has the landlord found a solution?

put it in json. How do you get it, ajax? So what if seo
is a mess? Is it difficult for Baidu reptiles to rely on human flesh to climb?
quit seo

said that
as long as you have a set of libraries that can synchronize the data between the front and back ends, you can

when rendering on the server, just take out the context.state data. Then encrypt and inject it into the page. Just fine.

after many days, I wonder if my brother has solved it yet?
one world, one SEO
