If you want to use python to crawl news sites, why are the xhr links for different articles the same?

def news_crawler():
    recommend_list = []

    url = "https://www.infoq.cn/public/v1/article/getIndexList"
    r = requests.get(url)
    r.encoding = "utf-8"
    r_json = r.json()
    r_json = r_json["data"]["recommend_list"]

    for i in range(len(r_json)):
        title = r_json[i]["article-title"]
        module = 2
        author = r_json[i]["author"]["nickname"]
        browse_time = 0
        preference = 1
        abst = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicin..."
        uuid = r_json[i]["uuid"]
        content = get_news_content(uuid)

novice practice, want to use python to crawl news from infoq sites, but find that their websites are obviously different articles, but when loading, the xhr link (the url variable in the above code) is the same? In that case, how do they distinguish between different articles?



this is the interface of the list, not the interface of article details

landlord, have you found that after you open the article, there is a fgsjkHhkGh46hjdj at the end of the URL? In the picture above, you are looking down at topic with uuid, which is the string of characters.
grab it directly at elements
