Php an action is used in more than two places, how to propose it?

two hypotheses


        "INSERT INTO `abc` (
        VALUES (
        ) "


        "INSERT INTO `abc` (
        VALUES (
        ) "

suppose there are more than two places that my action will use
, but the only thing that will change is status
An is "cancelled"
B will change to "completed"
to other places there will be another status
everything else is the same,
then how does a mysql query like this come up?
originally intended to put it in function, but it won"t work.

< hr >

think of a question

if you want to let function use the external value
I can use global to let the external value come in function
but what if he doesn"t look like $abc but like $SESSION ["id"] and $oder [" id"]?

$abc = 1;
function XXX () {
global $abc;
echo $abc; / / can show


if all of these are handwritten SQL, then encapsulate them into objects and rely on $do, that is, pass $do when passing parameters

function changeOrderStatus($db,$params){
    //  $db   
    if(!$db instanceof \PDO){
        throw new \Exception('$db not a PDO object instance.');
    $params = array_merge([
        'add_time'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
        throw new \Exception('public_order_id is must.');
    return $db->query(
        vprintf('INSERT INTO `abc` (`public_order_id`,`add_time`,`status`) 
            VALUES ("%s","%s","%s");',
// Call

the above code was not tested.
