Oracle's docker container cannot be restarted

I use the image sath89/oracle-12c
docker run~ can be used normally after startup, but it won"t work after closing the container
my startup command:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 sath89/oracle-12c

Container error log:

>     Import finished
>     Database ready to use. Enjoy! ;)
>     Database closed.
>     Database dismounted.
>     found files in /u01/app/oracle/oradata Using them instead of initial database
>     rm: cannot remove "/u01/app/oracle-product/12.1.0/xe/dbs": Directory not empty

whether the server shuts down directly or the docker has a normal stop, the id of the docker start container cannot rise after it is turned off, and the error of the last two lines of the log is reported every time
. What is the reason for this?


github says that the file system needs to be reset

docker /var/lib/docker :
mkfs -t xfs -n ftype=1 /PATH/TO/DEVICE

