Antd Vue one-click skin change function?

after writing with reference to the vue antd document, there is no response, according to the instructions to change the ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css to ant-design-vue/dist/antd.less red? What"s wrong with this

related codes

my code says this in webpack.base.config.js

    test: /\.less$/,
    use: [{
      loader: "style-loader"
    }, {
      loader: "css-loader"
    }, {
      loader: "less-loader",
      options: {
        paths: [
          path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules")
        modifyVars: {
          "primary-color": "-sharp1DA57A",
          "link-color": "-sharp1DA57A",
        javascriptEnabled: true,
