How to use antd-mobile? in react-native

try to develop react-native
according to the tutorial
create-react-native-app of the official website. Remote debugging is also feasible
but I don"t know how to introduce antd-mobile
I used yarn eject to convert it to react-native project


then yarn add antd-mobile
yarn add babel-plugin-import-- dev
"presets": ["babel-preset-expo"],
"plugins": [["import", {"libraryName": "antd-mobile"}]],
"env": {

in turn, it is no problem to introduce button according to the demo of the official website

but how to introduce other components

for example, I introduced the TabBar component
react-native run-ios
error as follows

Why do third parties always report errors
uable resolve 'xxx' from' App.js'

for projects I create with create-react-native?