How does ECharts realize the self-increment of the chart according to the data?

how does 1.ECharts increase the chart according to the data? for example, if I have two pieces of data here, how can I add two gauges?
2. This is the code, you need to use c3text and c4text to set the scale of the dashboard:
![] [1]

3. This is the code:

var rounds = document.querySelector ("div.round");

var _watchHtml = "";
this._valueDatas.forEach(function (value,index,array) {
    value = eval("("+ value +")");
    _watchHtml += "<div class="watchBox"><div class="watch"></div></div>"
    rounds.innerHTML = _watchHtml;

    var watch = echarts.init(document.querySelector(".watch"));
    var option = {
        tooltip: {
            formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c}%"
        textStyle: {
            fontSize: 8,
        series: [
                name: "",
                type: "gauge",
                radius: "100%",
                splitNumber: 6,
                center: [119, 110],
                min: 0,
                max: 60,
                detail: {
                    formatter: "{value}min",
                    fontSize: 10,
                    offsetCenter: ["0%", "60%"]
                data: [{value: 30}],
                axisLine: {
                    lineStyle: {
                        color: [
                            [0.165, "-sharp91c7ae"],
                            [0.33, "-sharpFF33CC"],
                            [0.5, "-sharp9966CC"],
                            [0.67, "-sharpFF6600"],
                            [0.83, "-sharp6633CC"],
                            [1, "-sharpc23531"]
                axisLabel: {
                    distance: 5,
                    fontSize: 10,
                pointer: {
                    show: true,
                    length: "60%",
                    width: 5,
    setInterval(function () {
        option.series[0].data[0].value = (Math.random() * 60).toFixed(2) - 0;
        watch.setOption(option, true);
    }, 2000);


has been implemented, and it needs to be spliced twice in it. The implementation code is as follows:

/ / TAT

var rounds = document.querySelector('div.round');
var _watchHtml = '';

this._valueDatas.forEach(function (value,index,array) {
    value = eval('('+ value +')');

    var maxTat = value.c3text;  // 100
    var fwcTat = value.c4text;  // 60
    var difTat = (maxTat - fwcTat);  // 100-60 = 40
    var colors = difTat/100;
    var _valueLengths = value.c3text.length;

    _watchHtml += '<div class="watchBox"><div class="watch w'+index+'"></div></div>'
    var wat=document.createElement('div');
    wat.innerHTML='<div class="watch w'+index+'"></div>';
   // rounds.innerHTML = _watchHtml;
    var watch = echarts.init(document.querySelector('.w'+index));


What does

achieve? Didn't see anything?
