The vue history mode calls WeChat Pay and prompts get_brand_wcpay_request:fail

WeixinJSBridge.invoke (

      "getBrandWCPayRequest", {
        "appId" : appId,
        "timeStamp" : response.timestamp,
        "nonceStr" : response.noncestr,
        "package" : response.package,
        "signType" : "MD5",
        "paySign" : response.sign,
        jsApiList: [

evoke WeChat Pay through WeixinJSBridge and prompt get_brand_wcpay_request:fail, do any bosses know why?


there are many reasons for this problem, such as whether your parameters are correct, your signature, and whether the whitelist of the payment server is matched.

isn't there a Wechat jssdk? Why should WeixinJSBridge arouse WeChat Pay?

function _callWechatPay (res, resolve, reject) {
  window.WeixinJSBridge.invoke('getBrandWCPayRequest', {
    'appId': res.appId,
    'timeStamp': res.timeStamp,
    'nonceStr': res.nonceStr,
    'package': res.packageStr,
    'signType': res.signType,
    'paySign': res.sign
  }, function (res) {
    if (res.err_msg === 'get_brand_wcpay_request:ok') {
    } else {

above is the code I have used;
your prompt get_brand_wcpay_request:fail must be a failure. You have to check the specific reasons for the failure


Thank you for your answers. The parameters in the background are in the wrong case
