Why is the status code returned by the image requested by base64 for the first time 200 (from memory cache)?

above picture



the picture here, the status is from memory cache when the data is requested for the first time. I can be sure that my computer has not visited this page at all before. Why is this happening?


first of all, base64 images are essentially a bunch of strings and are loaded during page rendering.

Chrome updated the cache policy in higher versions, divided into two categories: from disk cache (disk cache) and from memory cache (memory cache). Where the memory cache is bound to the rendering process.

that is, when your html page is first loaded by , all html,js,css code will be read into memory. Your base64 picture is also a string, also at this stage, so it is from memory cache.

and when your picture is not a base64, but an ordinary picture, it is not included in the period when first loaded . Guess where he read it? Let's do your homework.

what's wrong with figuring out what a base64 picture is

from memory cache? It's not disk cache. And you have to understand the format of base64 pictures first.
