Under what circumstances can Angular6 QueryList query the data?

  • directive is created in Angular7. The name is: NextTabDirective obtains this type of DOM element through QueryList query in a business component

    @ViewChildren(NextTabDirective) inputs: QueryList<NextTabDirective>;
  • then print out the result in the ngAfterViewInit of the component and print it out in the browser console to show that the data was not obtained

    . What are the problems that will lead to the failure of the query using QueryList?

  • the problem that you have identified:

    1. the name of the self-made directive is NextTabDirective, which is certainly true. The name is copied
    2. .
    3. this directive is introduced through import in the root module app.module.ts of the project:

      import { NextTabDirective } from "./shared/ccDirective/next-tab.directive";

      is also declared in the declarations of @ NgModule.

    4. the header (top) is also introduced in the ts file of the business component:

      import { NextTabDirective } from "src/app/shared/ccDirective/next-            tab.directive";
    5. Project structure is:
      |--> app.module.ts
      |--> sharedccDirectivenext-tab.directive.ts
      |-> pagesorderorder.component.html <-- Business component html template file
      |-> pagesorderorder.component.ts <-- Business component ts file
    6. the following is the whole code for customizing directive

      import { Directive, HostListener, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
        selector: "[next-tab]"
      export class NextTabDirective {
        @HostListener("keydown.enter", ["$event"])
        onEnter(event: KeyboardEvent) {
          if (this.nextControl) {
            if (this.nextControl.focus) {
              return false;
        constructor(private control: ElementRef) {
    7. The code for using custom directive in the tag of
    8. order.component.html is as follows:
      < input type= "text" next-tab >
@ViewChildren(NextTabDirective) inputs: QueryList<NextTabDirective>;
thanks for any help..


exports in module
